Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday announced a mobile number for common people to give a 'missed call' to connect with AAP's 'Make India No. 1' mission.
In a digital press briefing, he said, "I am issuing a number today, missed call number 9510001000. Those who want to see India as the number 1 nation in the world, give the missed call on this number. We all 130 crore people have to join this movement."
"We had announced day before yesterday that we have to make India number one country in the world. The dream of making India number one is now taking the shape," he said in the briefing.
Reacting on the CBI raid at Deputy Chief Minister's residence, he said that Manish Sisodia is one of the best education ministers of the world. "America is one of the most powerful nations today and to be published in one of the reputed news papers of America in the New York Times is not an easy task. They have published Manish Sisodia's photo on the front page," said Kejriwal. He also added, "I don't remember any positive news of India has been published in the paper before."
Today CBI has raided Sisodia's residence. In last 7 years, they have raided many times. This is not new, said the chief minister.
"CBI is doing its work. There is no need to be scared. We should let the CBI do its work. They have an order from the top to follow. Obstacles will come but the work won't stop. They will do their own work and we will do our work," Kejriwal said.
The CBI on Friday conducted raids at Sisodia's residence in connection with the alleged irregularities in the Delhi Excise Policy.