Bollywood ace singer KK (Krishnakumar Kunnath)'s untimely and sudden demise has shocked the nation. Playback singer KK on Tuesday night passed away in Kolkata after a concert. KK was in the city to perform at a function in Nazrul Manch organised by the Gurudas College. However, KK felt sick while he was performing and therefore he was rushed to a hospital after the completion of the concert where he was declared dead. Now, KK's sudden demise raised many big questions after fans sensed some conspiracy or mismanagement behind his death. In fact, a letter has been written to Union Home Minister Amit Shah seeking a CBI probe in the suspicious death of KK.
On Thursday, BJP MP from West Bengal, Saumitra Khan, took to his Twitter handle and shared an official letter he wrote to Union Home Minister Amit Shah. In his letter, the BJP MP sought a probe by a central investigative agency over the popular singer's demise. It is pertinent to mention here that various footage has been doing rounds on social media showing that KK was feeling hot and suffocated inside Kolkata's Nazrul Mancha where he was performing before he passed away.
KK Death CBI Probe Letter
As per reports, KK had complained of overheating to the administration and also went backstage several times. In one of the video clips, KK was seen escorted by three men who were holding him on both sides, looking extremely uneasy. Despite feeling sick, no immediate medical aid was offered to KK. KK was uneasy at the concert and was brought dead to the hospital. Now the question arises, what happened in between? A forensic team had also visited the hotel for examination earlier in the day.
Notably, many reports also suggest that there was overbooking/overcrowding at the venue.
It is pertinent to mention here that a doctor who was part of KK's autopsy had stated that the singer had several heart blockages and he could have been saved if CPR was administered on time. Various reports suggested that KK had suffered face and head bore injuries.
Following his demise, a case of unnatural death has been registered by the Kolkata police.