Jalandhar viral Kulhad Pizza Couple has allegedly left India and shifted to another country. Yes! you heard it right. The Internet has been buzzing with the claims that Kulhad Pizza Couple- Gurpreet Kaur and Sehaj Arora have left India amid continuous controversies and death threats. However, neither Sehaj nor Gurpreet have confirmed that they have left India forever. Multiple reports suggest that Gurpreet Kaur and Sehaj have shifted to the United Kingdom. Some videos have surfaced of the couple leaving for abroad from Amritsar airport with their child. In the viral video, Gurpreet Kaur was seen at the airport with her child Waris.
A total of three videos of the couple have surfaced. In one video, the couple is seen entering the Amritsar airport. In the second, Gurpreet Kaur is taking her son to the airport. In the third video, the couple's son is seen walking towards the plane with his small bag. As per reports, the couple will now stay in London.
Kulhad Pizza couple controversy and death threats
Kulhad Pizza is located on the way from Bhagwan Valmiki Chowk (Jyoti Chowk) to BR Ambedkar Chowk (Nakodar Chowk) in Jalandhar, Punjab. It was the first pizza made in the country by a couple named Kulhad Pizza. After food bloggers started coming to their shop, the couple became famous in Punjab as well as the country. The couple first came into controversy when they shared a photo with an air rifle. In this case, Jalandhar City Police had registered a case on charges of promoting gun culture. However, both were granted bail at the police station itself.
Thereafter, Kulhad Pizza was married with a plethora of controversies that included video leaks, scuffles with locals, and arguments with Nihang Singh outfits. The controversies turned so serious that the Court had to grant the Kulhad Pizza couple police protection.
On the orders of the High Court, two security personnel were deployed by Jalandhar City Police for the protection of the couple- Sehaj Arora and Gurpreet Kaur. The couple had filed a petition in the Punjab and Haryana High Court after receiving threats from Nihangs.
The Nihangs of Baba Budha Group had created a ruckus at the Kulhad Pizza shop. Kulhad Pizza couple Sahaj Arora and Gurpreet had filed a petition in the Punjab and Haryana High Court for the safety of life and property. After the protest by the Nihangs, the couple released a video as well.