The 45-day-long MahaKumbh 2025 entered day 3 on Wednesday, and it has already started to make waves globally. Mahakumbh 2025 is termed the world's largest religious gathering, which began in Prayagraj on Paush Purnima (January 13). More than 5 crore devotees took a holy dip in the first two days. On Tuesday, on the occasion of Makar Sankranti, more than 3.5 crore devotees took a dip in the first 'Amrit Snan'. In the meanwhile, a video of a Sadhu who studied at IIT Bombay is also going viral. Due to his link with IIT, social media users have given him the moniker of 'IIT Baba'.
India and even the world are mesmerised by the interview of viral 'IIT Baba' who is originally known as 'Abhey Singh'. Many are also digging deep into the reason why the IIT Bombay alumni left Aerospace engineering and became a Sadhu who is attending Mahakumbh 2025 in Prayagraj. Below is all you need to know about Baba Abhey Singh-
Who is Baba Abhey Singh, aka IITian Baba?
In an interview with ABP News, Abhey Singh was asked about his journey from IIT to being a Sadhu. He said, "I come from a very small town of Jajjar (a town in Haryana). I did not even know about IIT till Class 12. Someone came in our school and informed us about IIT, that's how I came to know about the Indian Institute of Technology."
"I took a drop for 1 year and went to Delhi to study in coaching. Thereafter, I cracked IIT as my mind was sharp. I got AIR 731. I did IIT thinking that my parents won't reject going away from home if the college is big. Going by the rank I got at IIT, I thought aerospace engineering will be better. I did not think about placements or any other thing...Eventually, I learned English there as well."
"I got exposure in Mumbai and then I came to know that there are other things in life as well. For example, there was a humanities department there. I started taking an interest in philosophy, postmodernism, and epistemology (the study of knowledge). I have also directed plays, written poems, etc during my stint at the IIT."
"After IIT I started thinking now what to do after it? The goal of IIT was already achieved. To get the answer to this question I was studying philosophy. I used to get into arguments with teachers asking them to tell me things which I can use in my life..."
"Thereafter, I also started teaching in coaching since I was from IIT. It was the most easy job for me.
Singh pursued a Master’s degree in Design from 2013 to 2015 and also explored his creative side through photography. Despite his academic and artistic accomplishments, he realized that his true calling was spirituality.
Abhey Singh now goes by the name of Masani Gorakh and he is also attending MahaKumbh Mela 2025. Abhey Singh also revealed that got a Rs 12 lakh package in designing in UXUI. He was also offered a job by his Professor in travel photography. "During 2015-16, I travelled the entire India as a travel; photographer. But, I eventually got tired of this lifestyle. I left everything and went to Dharamkot in Himachal Pradesh. I learned acceptance there and also started colour painting," said Abhey Singh adding that he also learned cooking there.
"In 2017, an incident happened that sent me into a depression. I went to Bengaluru and underwent therapy. Thereafter, I joined a company for a job around 2018-19.
Baba Abhey Singh's family and his life in Canada
Baba Abhey Singh further revealed, "My sister lives in Canada and she called me there. I cleared ILETS and went to Canada. I went there to live with my sister. I only went there because I did not want ti live alone. But, my sister is married and things did not work out. No one can tolerate you for long."
Around 2020, I started living separately from my sister in Canada. Then COVID hit. I was doing my job so that I can keep interacting with people. I started doing meditation due to my depression. I read about Swami Vivekananad, listened to Sadhguru. I read the books of J Krishnamurti a lot."
Keeping long things short, Abhey Singh now leads a life of Sadhu away from worldly attachments. Abhey Singh keeps on sharing content on his Instagram profile.