Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid foundation stone of Maharaja Suheldev Memorial. He has also inaugurated developmental work at Chittaura Lake in Uttar Pradesh.
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath was also present during the inauguration ceremony through virtual conference.
Prime Minister Modi inaugurated beautification of Shravasti, Chittora lake and Bahraich. He said, "This Basant has come with new hopes and new enthusiasm for India that is moving forward, leaving behind the despair of the pandemic."
While laying the foundation stone of Suheldev Memorial of the warrior king Suheldev of Shravasti, PM Modi said, "Today when India is entering the 75th year of independence, there can be no bigger an occasion to remember and take inspiration from the contribution of such great men, their sacrifice, struggle, valour and martyrdom."
Modi said, "History of India is not just what was written by those who enslaved this country and those with a slave mentality. India's history is that too which the common people of India have kept in the folk stories of India, that which has been carried forward by generations."
According to reports, the projects will help in bolstering the memorial and area as a tourist spot by developing cafeteria, guest house and children's park. King Suheldev was an icon of Rajbhar community.