Marco is a Malayalam-language action thriller film. It is directed by Haneef Adeni and produced by Cubes Entertainments and Unni Mukundan films. The movie stars Unni Mukundan, Siddique, Jagadish, Abhimanyu S Thilakan, Kabir Duhan Singh, Anson Paul and Yukti Tareja.
The synopsis of the movie reads, “The story of gangster Marco and the powerful Adat family, who dominate Kerala's gold mafia.”
The storyline of the movie revolves around one of the most renowned gold-trading families in Kerala, unexpectedly shaken by an incident. The head of the family, sets out to uncover the truth and find those responsible. At the same time, his younger brother named Marco tries to find out the same truth but through a different path.
When & where to watch Marco online?
As per social media buzz, this action-thriller movie is all set get released on Netflix. The movie will be available to stream in multiple languages, including Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, and Hindi.
The movie is expected to make its OTT debut following a 45-day theatrical run, which means it will likely release on Netflix around the last week of January or the first week of February.
It was released on 20th December 2024 worldwide, coinciding with Christmas weekend. This movie grossed Rs 90 crore against a budget of Rs 30 crore and became the highest grossing A-rated Malayalam film of all time surpassing Kammatipaadam. The film had received an A certification from the Central Board of Film Certification due to extreme violent scenes.