Massive fire at travel agent Vinay Hari's luxurious Jalandhar office, multiple passports & docs burnt to ashes

The fire at Vinay Hari's Jalandhar office was so wild & intense that it took at least 30 fire brigade vehicles to control it.

Punjab, Vinay-Hari, Vinay-Hari-Jalandhar, Jalandhar-Vinay-Hari, Vinay-Hari-Jalandhar-Office, Travel-agent-Vinay-Hari, Vinay-Hari-Jalandhar-office-Fire, Vinay-Hari-Jalandhar-Fire, Vinay-Hari-Office-Fire-Reason, Cause-of-fire-Vinay-Hari-Office- True Scoop

In a shocking development, a massive fire erupted at Punjab's famous travel agent Vinay Hari's Jalandhar office late Sunday night. Due to the fire, passports and essential documents of students and people were burnt to ashes. As per Vinay Hari, he got the information about the wild ablaze at 11:30 (IST) on Sunday, following which he rushed to his office. Seeing his luxurious Jalandhar office on fire, Vinay Hari reportedly broke down. 


The fire was so wild that it took at least 30 fire brigade vehicles to control it. The fire was controlled by the brigade after a hard work of approx 4 hours. The fire kept on burning the office till 4 am. Currently, the cause of the fire at Vinay Hari's office is yet to be ascertained. However, preliminary investigation suggests that Vinay Hari's office fire reason to be short circuit. 


As per the information received, the office of Vinay Hari was no less than a luxurious hotel. The fire was so deadly that one by one all the floors got affected. At first, only 2 vehicles reached the spot. However, the fire was so intense that more than 30 water vehicles were called. More than 30 of our firefighters were busy controlling the fire. 


While talking to the media, Vinay Hari said, "I got the information about the fire at 11:30 pm. Nothing is left. Everything is finished. I don't know how the fire broke out."
