With Republic Day 2025 arriving soon in India, Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar is all set to make his return at the box office with his movie Skyforce. The trailer of Mission Skyforce was released on Sunday and ever since then, it has generated curiosity among fans. Directed by Sandeep Kewlani & Abhishek Anil Kapur, Skyforce is a patriotic drama revolving around India's first airstrike on Pakistan. Since the storyline revolves around the India-Pakistan rivalry, fans are digging deep into Skyforce Real Story or Skyforce True Story.
Is Skyforce a real story?
The answer is yes. As mentioned by the makers in the trailer, Skyforce is inspired by true events from 1965 when India carried out its first-ever airstrike on Pakistan. Talking about Skyforce's characters guide, it features Akshay Kumar as Wing Commander K.O. Ahuja based on Group Captain of Indian Air Force Group Captain O.P Taneja, Veer Pahariya as T. Vijaya based on Mahavir Chakra awardee Ajjamada Boppayya Devayya, Sara Ali Khan as Veer's wife in the film and more in the leading roles.
Who is real-life K.O Ahuja played by Akshay Kumar in Skyforce?
In the movie Skyforce, Akshay Kumar plays the character of Wing Commander K.O. Ahuja leading 13 aircraft contingent. As per reports, Akshay's character is inspired by real-life Group Captain OP Taneja.
As per Bharat Rakshak, during the operations against Pakistan, Wing Commander Om Parkash Taneja aka OP Taneja showed inspiring leadership and set a fine example as a Squadron Commander by leading nine strike missions over enemy territory.
On 6th September 1965, OP Taneja led his Squadron for the first mission into enemy territory and destroyed fuel wagons in the Gujranwala sector. On 7th September 1965, he led a formation of 12 aircraft of the Squadron on a dawn strike over Sargodha Airfield.
He started up during an air raid warning when our anti-aircraft guns were firing. Shortly after the air raid he took off from a damaged runway having no runway lights. Though it was still dark, he led his Squadron successfully at a low level to the target. On subsequent days he led a number of strike sorties in the Lahore and Sialkot sectors, attacking and destroying enemy tanks, vehicle concentrations, and gun and mortar positions in these sectors.
OP Taneja was commissioned in 1950 and died in 1975.