In a massive development, the Ahmedabad Cyber Crime Cell on Tuesday arrested Congress leader Hitendra Pithadiya for sharing Mohit Pandey's private pics. Hitendra Pithadiya had shared multiple photos of Mohit Pandey who was recently elected to be seer of Ayodhya's Ram Temple. Hitendra Pithadiya had shared Mohit Pandey's private photos on social media asking the people how the government can make him a seer in the upcoming Ayodhya Ram Temple. Following that it turned out that Mohit Pandey's viral photos were fake and morphed.
Following this, Ahmedabad Cyber Crime registered a case against Hitendra Pithadiya. After this, the police arrested the Congress leader from Vejalpur in Ahmedabad. Police have currently kept the Congress leader in Shahi Bagh. Hitendra Pithadiya is accused of sharing a fake obscene video and photos of Mohit Pandey of Ayodhya Ram temple priest Mohit Pandey on social media. In the fake Mohit Pandey photos, the seer was seen in an objectionable state with a woman. In Ayodhya Mandir priest viral pics, Mohit was seen wearing a Tilak and was indulged in an X-rated act. However, later the photos were termed fake.
For those who are unaware, Mohit Pandey of Ghaziabad has been appointed as the priest of the temple of Ramlala being built in Ayodhya. Since he was appointed a priest, a section of people on social media are not happy with it. As a result, Mohit Pandey's fake photos are going viral.
Talking about Mohit Pandey, he is currently pursuing his MA (Acharya) course in Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams-run (TTD) Sri Venkateswara Vedic University (SVVU) in Tirupati. Mohit has been chosen as one of 50 priests for the Ayodhya Ram Mandir. He is a native of Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh. Pandey was selected after an exhaustive process that involved interviews with around 3,000 candidates from across India. He is currently undergoing a six-month training period before his appointment.