JDU President Nitish Kumar on Sunday tendered his resignation from Bihar CM post and asked the Governor to dissolve the Vidhan Sabha. Nitish Kumar reached the Raj Bhavan on Sunday morning and handed over his resignation letter to Bihar Governor Rajendra Arleka. Kumar also asked Rajendra Arleka to dissolve the Mahagathbandhan government in the Vidhan Sabha. After coming out of the Raj Bhavan, Nitish Kumar confirmed his resignation while talking to the media and stated that everything was not going well within the Mahagathbandhan
While talking to the media, Nitish Kumar said, "Today, I have resigned as the Chief Minister and I have also told the Governor to dissolve the government in the state. This situation came because not everything was alright in Mahagathbandhan...I was getting views from everyone. I listened to all of them. Today, the Government has been dissolved. Earlier, I quit from Gathbandhan and formed a new Mahagathbandhan for 1 and a half years. But, situation was going from bad to worse for every party members of the JDU."
Notably, it is expected that Nitish Kumar will rejoin the NDA. If Nitish becomes the Chief Minister again, he will take oath as the CM of Bihar for the 9th time. Earlier, Nitish had banned the work of RJD quota ministers. After this order, State Agriculture Minister Kumar Sarvjeet returned the government vehicle.