Patna Drug Inspector Jitendra Kumar on Saturday came under the radar of the surveillance department when a team raided his residence in the disproportionate assets case. Reportedly, a team of Bihar Vigilance Bureau raided Patna Drug Inspector's residence and was astounded by the amount of cash and other items that were recovered. The surveillance officials seized a large amount of cash which took several hours to count and other documents from the residence of Drug Inspector Jitendra Kumar on Saturday in Patna, Bihar.
Reportedly, the surveillance department raided Drug Inspector Jitendra Kumar's five locations including Patna and Gaya. As per reports, Vigilance Raid conducted a thorough search of Jitendra Kumar's office located at the Malaria Office in Sultanganj, Patna. Along with this, a raid was also conducted at his Khan Mirza residence in Sultanganj. So far, about four crore cash and 38.27 lakh jewelry have been recovered from the drug inspector's house in the raid. Counting of the seized amount is being done with the note counting machine.
In fact, Patna Drug Inspector Jitendra Kumar's residence raid video also went viral in which the Vigilance team was seen a plethora of cash recovered which were stashed in 4 sacks. The amount of currency wo so much that it covered an entire master bed. Not only this, it took hours for the Vigilance team to count the amount of cash.
Mint quoted Surendra Kumar Maur, DSP Monitoring Department who said, "A team of surveillance department raided the residence of Drug Inspector Jitendra Kumar in the disproportionate assets case. A huge amount of cash, many land papers, gold, silver and four luxury cars were recovered."
Notably, in Chandigarh, the Vigilance Department of Punjab on Saturday recovered over 12 kg of gold among other items from arrested Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer Sanjay Popli's residence. Not only this, but during the raid Sanjay Popli's son Karthik allegedly shot himself during the raid. While Karthik's mother accused the Vigilance team of the death of her son, the department refuted the claims and stated that they did not even enter the bedroom of the IAS officer's son.