Police in Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut has arrested some youths who have been charged with insulting the national anthem. This came after a video of the incident had gone viral showing a man saluting as the national anthem plays in the background apparently shot on the terrace of a home.
The police responded to a social media post with the video stating that the “accused has been arrested.” Based on the reports in the media the three youths were booked in Meerut’s Eidgah for the alleged obscene behaviour.
In the 29-second video clip, a young man wearing a black jacket is seen saluting and then dancing obscenely while his friends accompanying him laugh in the background as the national anthem plays.
Meerut’s Railway Road Police Station’s SHO Sanjay Kumar Sharma said, “A video had gone viral in which three youths could be seen dancing while the national anthem was being played.”
Watch the Video Here:
राष्ट्रगान का अपमान कर प्रफुल्लित होने वाले मेरठ के अदनान,यूपी पुलिस की हिरासत में हैं pic.twitter.com/AhpEppL6dd
— Anamika Jain Amber (@anamikamber) January 27, 2023
A Twitter user while reacting on the matter of the video said, "If you can't respect the national anthem, you don't deserve to be free,". The Meerut Police, in response to the post, wrote: “The accused has been arrested after registering the charges by the Railway Road police station. Efforts are being made to arrest the rest.”
Sachin Sirohi who happened to be holding the presidentship of Hindu Jagran Manch called it an insult to the National Anthem and demanded that the man should be charged with sedition.
While in accordance with the established law for similar sorts of offences the rule states that as per Section 3 of the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971, anyone who intentionally prevents the singing of the Jana Gana Mana or causes disturbances to any assembly engaged in such singing will be punished with imprisonment for a term of up to three years or with fine, or with both.