The Vigilance Bureau of Punjab has always been proactive in the cases that are submitted to them. On Tuesday another step has been taken by Vigilance that has given a big leap in the streetlight scam. Reportedly, on Tuesday Congress Leader Capt. Sandeep Sandhu was booked by the Vigilance Bureau in Rs. 65 lakhs scam.
It was claimed by the VB that Sandeep Sandhu has tampered the deal that was related to the buying of streetlights. It has been alleged that the deal of lights was being done at double rate which provided the accused with profits of several lakhs. Now Vigilance has initiated the tracing of the whereabouts of the accused to find evidence and arrest him in the case.
Post the investigation of the whole matter, it has been revealed that the streetlights bought were of poor quality and the number of street lights installed differs from that were shown in the records. Till now, Satwinder Singh Kang (BDPO), Lakhwinder Singh (Chairman of block Samiti) has been arrested in this case.
The BDPO who was arrested made a big disclosure. He stated that the amount was released at the behest of Sandeep Sandhu. Furthermore, it was alleged that the accused insisted on releasing the amount without completing any formality. According to the statement given by BDPO, Sandeep Sandhu has been accused of this scam on 3rd October 2022.
Now, 6 people have been accused in the case out of which only three have been arrested while investigation and questioning related to others is still going on. The name of the accused includes Satwinder Singh Kang, BDPO (Arrested), Lakhwinder Singh, Chairman, Block Samiti (Arrested), Teja Singh, VDO (Arrested), Gaurav Sharma, Proprietor, M/s Amar Electrical Enterprises (Not Arrested), Harpreet Singh (Not Arrested) and lastly, Captain Sandeep Sandhu (Not Arrested).