Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann on Wednesday inaugurated the state's first luxury palace hotel 'Ran Baas' in Patiala. Ran Baas Hotel is in Patiala located in the historic Qila Mubarak. The luxury 'heritage' hotel has been restored and converted into a boutique hotel by the Punjab government led by Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann under a public-private partnership (PPP) model. The initiative aims to promote destination weddings and tourism in the state.
Ran Baas Hotel of Patiala is managed by the Park Group. It is now open to the public. Punjab CM stated that the aesthetically designed hotel, built on a PPP model, will set a new benchmark in comfort, hospitality, and elegance, adding that it will become a popular venue for destination weddings and other events.
After the inauguration, Punjab CM Bhagwant Singh Mann his address said, "..We had multiple meetings with the tourism and culture department. Punjab has many beautiful places which can be renovated and can become a source of income for the tourism sector...We are also developing the royal palace in Kapurthala. Hotel Taj is also in making in Amritsar on profit sharing model. Ran Baas is also made on the same model. Patiala is a city known for 'Baga' (greenary) and 'Raga' (singing). We have tried to maintain the same environment when Punjabi singers used to sit and make songs."
Before being a heritage hotel, Ran Baas was a royal guesthouse occupying one wing of Qila Mubarak, an erstwhile royal residence. Ran Baas is spread over 10 acres, the complex housed the royal family and included a Darbar Hall. As per reports, only the guesthouse has been converted into a hotel with 28 rooms. The fort, located in Patiala’s old city, had been in a dilapidated condition before the Archaeological Survey of India declared it a protected monument. The Punjab government subsequently began its restoration under the supervision of conservation architect Abha Narain Lambah.
Ran Baas Booking Charges
As per MakeMytrip, the price to stay in Ran Baas of Patiala differs according to the room. For instance, a room with cancellation is priced at Rs 36, 346 (exclusive taxes). This room is the cheapest in Ran Baas. On the other hand, Ran Baas' most expensive room is the Presidential Suite and it costs Rs 5,54,988 per night (exclusive taxes). Other rooms are also available in different price slabs.
(PC: MakeMyTrip, Presidential Suite)