Punjabi singer & actor Diljit Dosanjh on Saturday unveiled his first look of his upcoming movie Punjab '95. Diljit took to his Instagram handle and shared a series of photos showcasing his worrisome look from the sets of Punjab '95. Diljit shared the picture with the caption, 'I Challenge the Darkness'. As per IMBD, Punjab '95 is directed by Bhaumikkumar Prakashbhai Prajapati, Honey Trehan, and Vishal Srivastava. Punjab '95 is a crime drama based on the real story of human rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra.
Who was Jaswant Singh Khalra?
Jaswant Singh Khalra was the director of a bank in the city of Amritsar in Punjab during the militancy period in Punjab. Following Operation Blue Star, the assassination of Indira Gandhi, and the 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots, the police were empowered to detain suspects for any reason, ostensibly as suspected terrorists.
The police were accused of killing unarmed suspects in staged shootouts and burning thousands of dead bodies to cover up the murders. Khalra was investigating four major cases at one time and continued to collect evidence and witnesses.
What happened to Jaswant Singh Khalra?
In September 1995, Khalra was last seen in front of his house washing his car in Amritsar when he was reportedly abducted. As per official reports, Khalra was tortured at Jhabal police station and shot dead there and his body was disposed of near the Harike Bridge on the Sutlej River. He had disappeared under mysterious circumstances in 1995.
In the Jaswant Singh Khalra murder case, four policemen were given life imprisonment. The police officers who were given life imprisonment were Satnam Singh, Surinder Pal Singh, Jasbir Singh (all sub-inspectors), and Prithipal Singh (Head Constable). Furthermore, a Patiala court in 2005 sent Jaspal Singh, a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) to life imprisonment in this case.
Punjab 95' release date
The Central Board of Film Certification in India had proposed 120 cuts in the film to the makers. There was no certainty over the exhibition of the film given its sensitive subject matter. Diljit on Saturday announced that Punjab 95 will be released in February 2025. However, the exact date of release of Punjab 95 has not been announced.