Punjabi girl assaulted and tortured in Dubai. Narrates ordeal to father over phone

To deal with the problem of poverty in the family, Kirandeep Kaur from Moga went to Ajman, a city of Dubai to work for agents there. However, the girl was assaulted and tormented.

Punjab, Moga, Kirandeep Kaur, Assaulted and Tortured, Dubai, Ajman, Former Minister Tota Singh, Union Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal, Punjabi Girls, Top Breaking News, True Scoop News, True Scoop- True Scoop

When things did not go well with her she called her father and narrated her ordeal. Over phone, Kirandeep revealed that out of six months, she was just paid a salary of two months and not after that. 

Apart from this, she said, "I had been tortured day and night. The family in the house where she works has also taken away her phone and today, she called from someone's number and informed her father that if you will not call me back to India I might lose my life."

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Today, the father of girl, who is victim of torture in Dubai met the former minister Jathedar Tota Singh and sought his help. The former minister further explained the scenario to the Union Minister Bibi Harsimrat Kaur Badal and urged for the safety of Kirandeep's life. With the joint efforts of Jathedar Tota Singh and the Union Minister Badal the girl has reached the Indian embassy and shortly will be brought back to India. 

The family of the victimised girl thanked the ministers for promptly hearing their plea. The former minister, Jathedar Tota Singh, however appealed to the parents of girls and said, "Arab countries are not safe for our daughters, please do not send them there to work."

It is worth mentioning here that even before this, a Punjabi man was stucked in Dubai and was heard narrating his ordeal through a video. In the video, he was seen screaming and crying for help from the government. However, one of his videos went viral in which he was saying that his passport was also stolen in Dubai and he was being beaten, later held captive. The young man belonged to Gurdaspur, who cried to the Government of India and Bhagwant Mann for help. He also accused an agent of impersonating him during that time. 
