Days after announcing the reunion with her estranged wife Charu Asopa, actor Sushmita Sen’s brother Rajeev Sen posted a series of pictures on Instagram while performing the rituals on Ganesh Puja with his wife and daughter.
Rajeev can be seen dressed in casual attire, while Charu won the fan’s attention with her gorgeous look in a Pink saree. The other picture in the post showed the trio taking a selfie inside their car while Rajeev’s mother joins them.
In the caption, Rajeev dropped a red heart and a folded hands emoji. Charu Asopa was quick to drop a red heart emoji in the comments section. Charu joined the course where she shared the set of pictures on her account as well.
Earlier this week, the couple announced that they have mutually agreed to call off their divorce.
Charu in her post announcing the decision wrote, “Marriages are made in heaven but it is left to us to make it work. Yes, we went ahead and announced that we are ending our marriage and we realized that we had reached the dead end and nothing beyond.
Divorce was an option we were considering and we won’t deny that. Happy to announce that we have decided to keep our Marriage for good."