Congratulations are in order for actor Ram Charan and his wife Upasana Kamineni Konidela. The big day is here and the Mega family is on cloud nine. Ram Charan and Upasana welcomed their first child, a beautiful baby girl at Apollo Hospital in Hyderabad on June 20. Both the mother and the baby are healthy. This is their first child after 11 years of marriage. According to reports, the baby and mother are stable and recovering.
The news comes just a few hours after a video of Ram and his wife from the hospital had surfaced online, hinting that the couple could be welcoming their baby any moment. The actor and his wife were spotted at a hospital in Hyderabad on Monday evening. On early Tuesday morning, the news of their child's birth was shared by the hospital in a bulletin. The medical bulletin reads, "Ms Upasana Kamineni Konidela and Mr Ram Charan had a baby girl on 20th June 2023, at Apollo Hospital Jubilee Hills - Hyderabad. The baby and mother are doing well.’
Megastar Chiranjeevi and his wife, Surekha, and the Kamineni clan are over the moon as they welcomed a new addition to their family. Meanwhile, fans across the globe have already started celebrating and dubbed the newborn as #megaprincess . In December 2022, Ram Charan and Upasana announced that they are expecting their first child. The news of them expecting their first child was also shared by the family, including Ram's father, veteran actor Chiranjeevi. Since then, the couple has had multiple baby showers in Hyderabad and Dubai and also travelled to the US for Oscars 2023 and a 'babymoon'.
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The couple recently celebrated their 11th wedding anniversary and announced in December that they were expecting. Ram Charan and Upasana had been living in their luxurious abode so far. But, the couple will move back with actor Chiranjeevi and Surekha soon. They plan to live with Charan's parents, after the birth of their child. Upasana emphasized the significance of having grandparents in a child's life and said that their child would not be deprived of that happiness.
About Ram's reaction to the pregnancy news, Upasana had recently revealed, “When I told him that I think I am pregnant, he said, ‘Don’t get too excited, calm down’. Once we repeated the tests and we knew that all the tests were fine, that’s when he celebrated. That is what I admire the most about Ram, he’s the calming factor in my life, while I am the more excited one. I love to express my feelings; he does it calmly in his own way.”
About her baby's arrival, she said, "We are all very excited, nervous and a bit anxious too. Ram is my go-to man, when I am hyper or having anxiety attacks. He calmly sits me down and says, ‘Okay, let’s figure it out’. I am sure Ram will take an active part in parenting." Ram Charan will be next seen in director Shankar's upcoming action film 'Game Changer' opposite actor Kiara Advani. Game Changer will release in three languages - Telugu, Tamil and Hindi. The film is slated to release this year.