Real 'The Last of Us' fungus: US scientists warn ‘new global health threat’

As per scientists of the CDC, Candida auris (C. auris) infections have increased dramatically in America in recent years

The Last of Us Fungus, Real The Last of Us Fungus, Real The Last of Us Bug, The Last of Us Bug, Candida auris, Candida auris The Last of Us, Is The Last of Us Fungu real, World News, World News Today,Top World News, World News Headlines,World Breaking News,International News,Latest World News, Politics News- True Scoop

Zombies & Vampires have always been the subject of fictional Hollywood movies. It has been observed that movies based on zombies or vampires often bring large footfall into the theaters. People around the world have always been curious that what if this fictional story turns into a reality and humans will start eating each other. Well, this is what exactly HBO's hit series The Last of Us showcased. Now, US Scientists have warned that there is a fungus that has a 60 percent mortality rate that may turn people into zombies. Infamously termed The Last of Us Bug, US Scientists have recognized it as a serious global health threat. Now, the question arises what is The Last of Us Bug and what exactly the scientists said about this Zombie fungus? To know the answer continue reading-

US media reports quoted scientists from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As per scientists of the CDC, Candida auris (C. auris) infections have increased dramatically in America in recent years. Not only this, this fungus has started to spread across other continents as well. CDC described the fungus, which kills up to 60 percent of people it infects, as an "urgent threat" in 2019. Since then, the fungus has been spreading rapidly in healthcare settings, posing a significant risk to immunocompromised (having an impaired immune system) patients.CDC figures suggest that the USA registered 2,377 confirmed clinical cases of 'The Last of US' bug in the country in 2021 - a marked increase of over 1,200 percent since 2017. On the other hand, Europe registered a doubling of cases from 335 in 2022, to 655 in 2021. Apart from USA and Europe, England registered 304 cases between 2013 and 2021. The majority of infections were the result of hospital outbreaks.

For the unversed, Candida auris was first identified in the US in 2016 and has been rapidly increasing ever since then. As per reports, The Last of Us fungus was initially detected in New York state. Ever since then, Candida auris has since spread to 29 states, with New York City being the epicenter of infections for several years.

What is The Last of Us?

The Last of Us is HBo's hit TV series which showcased that humans may turn into zombies due to a particular type of fungus. Although the majority of series and movies showcased that humans turn into zombies due to virus, The Last of Us laid out the theory of fungal infection. The Last of Us explores the cordyceps outbreak that almost wiped out humanity. For the unversed, Cordyceps are a genus of fungi comprising more than 600 species. What most of these species have in common is that they are parasites, growing inside the body of a host until they eventually kill it. All the stories you heard about zombie ants eaten from the inside out by fungi are true, and the cordyceps are to blame.

A cordyceps usually attaches itself to another creature and slowly replaces its tissues, altering the neurological behavior of its victim. For instance, when cordyceps infect bugs, they take over their bodies and convince them to search higher places where they can spread their spores and contaminate even more bugs. It’s all part of the biological imperative that pushes all living creatures to reproduce and ensure the continuity of their genetic pool. But in the case of cordyceps, the result is terrifying.

The Last of US Episode 1: What is the cordyceps outbreak that turned people into zombies?
