South actor Arun Vijay-starrer web series named Tamil Rockerz was released on Sony Liv on August 19. The title of Tamil Rockerz raised many eyebrows as it resembles a notorious torrent website famous for leaking and piracy of newly released movies. Ever since its release, Tamil Rockerz has been receiving praise from fans on social media and many are wondering if it is actually a true story. Tamil Rockerz is a Tamil action-thriller web series directed by Arivazhagan. The movie star cast includes Arun Vijay, Vani Bhojan, and Iswarya Menon in the lead roles alongside Azhagam Perumal, Vinodhini, G.Marimuthu, Tharun Kumar, Vinod Sagar, Sharath Ravi, Kaaka Muttai Ramesh, Kakkamuttai Vignesh, Ajit Joshy in the supporting roles. Tamil Rockerz was released at the time when multiple big-budget and highly acclaimed web series were lined-up. However, after releasing a multi-lingual format, Tamil Rockerz has indeed made a name for itself. Now, the question arises whether Tamil Rockerz is a true story or whether Tamil Rockerz is real story or not.
The answer to this question is Yes. Tamil Rockerz web series is a true story based on a group of gangs who established the notorious torrent website Tamilrockers. Although Tamil Rockerz is a real story, the web series portrays the story in a semi-fictional way. The notorious website Tamil Rockers is a torrent website that facilitates the illegal distribution of copyrighted material, including television shows, movies, music, and videos. Despite the fact, that India's Information and Broadcasting Ministry had banned the piracy sites Tamil Rockers remain to be a headache for the government as well as content owners, especially for movies and web series.
Tamilrockers was reportedly founded in 2011 and ever since then website continues to be a nightmare for content owners. In 2018, the owner of Tamil Rockers and a few others associated with the notorious piracy website were arrested from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Tamil Rockers owner Prabhu, DVD Rockers owner Johnson and their accomplices — Villupuram-native Karthi, Suresh, and Maria John were arrested in 2018. Following their arrest, many filmmakers took a sigh of relief, however, the website is still operational and continues to perform its illegal piracy activity.
After their arrest, the cops had revealed that all of them minted crores. Karthi and another associate earned over a crore, while the others made about Rs 75 lakh. On average, the gang members were reportedly making around Rs 1-2 lakh per month from piracy.