Hari Vigneshwaran, the son of National Award winning actor and Director Samuthirakani, has turned writer, actor and director with a short film titled 'Ariya Thisaigal'.
The short film, which has been released on YouTube, is about how a youngster's life heads in an unknown direction as a result of him choosing a wrong path.
The short film ends with the young director giving a tip on how one should never take on a person who has got nothing to lose.
The short film, which has a run time of 40 minutes, has been produced by actor Samuthirakani and Jaya Samuthirakani.
Music for the crime thriller is given by Leo Celestine and cinematography is by Manikandan.
Apart from writing, acting and directing the short film, Hari Vigneshwaran has also edited the film.
Source : IANS