In a key development, the Punjab Vigilance Bureau on Saturday issued a clarification in the case pertaining to the death of a senior IAS officer's son Kartik Popli. Kartik Popli (26), son of Punjab's senior IAS officer Sanjay Popli, died due to bullet injuries. At the time of the incident, the Vigilance team had reached Popli's house in Chandigarh for investigation.
DCP Ajay Kumar stated that Kartik shoot himself when they reached back after raiding the house and they got the information regarding the attempt when they reached their office. However, after the death of the only son, the mother said that the police were responsible for the death of her son. She said that she would not wash her son's bloodied hands until the uniforms of these policemen were taken off. Vigilance had arrested Sanjay Popli from Chandigarh 4 days ago in the corruption case. After which investigation was being done against him.
After serious allegations, Ajay Kumar, DSP, Punjab Vigilance Bureau issued a clarification and stated that the team did not even enter the house of the accused. "It is a matter of investigation. But these allegations are baseless. We just went there to make a recovery of items. We didn't even step inside the house. We only learnt about the incident later on," said Ajay Kumar, DSP, Punjab Vigilance Bureau.
Sanjay Popli Case
After investigation Dsp exposed that Sanjay Popli kept gold in silver hidden in his home. After taking his statement they went to the Chandigarh Police station to submit the reports. Then they came back to his home with a Sub-inspector from the station. They sat in the store room . They took statements from the storeroom only and came back.
The vigilance report further mentioned that police has never called Kartik for investigation. Kartik used to go there and sit there for hours, whenever the police used get the time they used to send him to meet his father. They mentioned that Kartik was not called on the day of his death also.