While the world is celebrating love on Valentine's Day 2023, Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan on February 14 revealed his first-ever V-Day gift to his wife Gauri Khan. Shah Rukh Khan on Tuesday interacted with his fans via #AskSrk session on Twitter. King Khan who was recently seen in the blockbuster movie Pathaan has been quite active on social media when it comes to interacting with fans. In fact, Shah Rukh ditched promotions of his movie to big shows like The Kapil Sharma Show and opted to interact with fans on social media. After the successful run of Pathaan, Shah Rukh on Tuesday yet again displayed his wit and humor while talking to the fans. One of the fans asked Shah Rukh Khan's first Valentine's Day gift to Gauri Khan.
Shah Rukh Khan answered, "If I remember correctly it’s been what 34 years now….a pair of pink plastic earrings I think…" Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri dated for nearly six years before tying the knot in 1991. During a Twitter chat with fans, King Khan revealed that he first presented a gift to her on Valentine’s nearly 34 years ago, He went on to add that the gift in question was a pair of pink plastic earrings.
If I remember correctly it’s been what 34 years now….a pair of pink plastic earrings I think… https://t.co/pRY2jxl41B
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) February 14, 2023
Apart from this, Shah Rukh also responded to Virat Kohli, Ravindra Jadeja dancing to Pathaan title track. He said, "They are doing it better than me!! Will have to learn it from Virat And Jadeja!!!"
They are doing it better than me!! Will have to learn it from Virat And Jadeja!!! https://t.co/q1aCmZByDu
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) February 14, 2023
Shah Rukh also reacted to Ayushmann Khuranna's upcoming Dream Girl 2 trailer. He said, "Wish Ayushman the best for all his work and life. Dreamgirl looks very interesting."
Wish Ayushman the best for all his work and life. Dreamgirl looks very interesting. https://t.co/c999GwNSMF
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) February 14, 2023
Ayushmann Khurrana-Anaya Panday starrer ‘Dream Girl 2’ gets release date, SRK to play cameo
SRK was last seen in Pathaan. it is a spy-thriller, directed by Siddharth Anand. The film revolves around a secret agent who undertakes a dangerous mission. The film stars Deepika Padukone as the leading lady. John Abraham plays the antagonist, while Salman Khan reprises his role as Tiger from the Tiger franchise. Pathaan is currently playing in theatres worldwide in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. Post Pathaan, he will be seen in Rajkumar Hirani's Dunki and the Atlee-directed Jawan. The latter stars Nayanthara as the leading lady and Vijay Sethupathi as the antagonist