Shark Tank India Season 4 continues to make waves among fans on social media. Shark Tank India Season 4 streams on SonyLiv online is a show for aspiring entrepreneurs of India who seek investment from sharks like Vineeta Singh, Namita Thapar, Aman Gupta, Ritesh Aggarwal, Peyush Bansal, and this season’s newest member, Kunal Bahl. In one of the episodes of Shark Tank India Season 4, Emcure Pharma's Namita Thapar accused another shark Anupam Mittal along with Ritesh Agarwal and Aman Gupta of exploiting the entrepreneurs from Rosha. Continue reading below why Namita chanted 'explotation' against Anupam Mittal-
Rosha India at Shark Tank India Season 4
Kanwardeep Singh, Gaurav Tikiya, and Shivam Dewan from Delhi, Co-Founders of Rosha appeared at Sharka Tank India Season 4. The founders in their pitch said, "Rosha is India's first wireless, portable and rechargeable lighting brand. You have to charge these lights for three to four hours then it can be used for 8 to 10 hours without any wires. For example in your bedroom, drawing room, balcony, rooftop, restaurant, wherever you want. We have made around 100 plus designs and have also started making solar lamps keeping sustainability in mind...Our ask is Rs 60 lakh in exchange for 1% equity i.e. a total valuation of Rs 60 crore. Started in 2019."
Aman Gupta looked impressed and said that their craftsmanship is very nice. Peyush asked whether they import everything from outside or not.
Kanwardeep Singh said, "When we started the business we had a few models that were imported. Today we can proudly say that 50 percent are manufactured in India. Going forward we want to make it in an 80:20 ratio."
Shivam Dewan then revealed, "Aman sir your mother saw our table lamp in a hotel in Goa. She took our number from the manager. She called us asking if she can get the lamp. I personally came and gave her the lamp. So, one of our models is in your house also.."
Gaurav Tikiya then shared, "A very similar thing happened with us in Mumbai. Hrithik Roshan saw one of our lamps in a hotel, he called us, and he bought seven to eight different lamps. And, then twice he has taken multiple lamps of the same model. So, one of the managers called us and told us that this model he wanted to keep it in his private movie theater. So, that's the different use case we serve."
Impressed by the 'interesting business', Anupam Mittal offered, "Rs 60 lakh for 3 percent and 1.5 percent royalty till Rs 90 lakhs recouped."
Ritesh Agarwal then offered, "I would like to be included in Anupam's offer if he is fine."
Anupam then revised his offer, "Rs 60 lakh for 4 percent including 1.5 percent royalty."
Namita Thapar opted out of the deal saying that the business lacked USP.
Aman Gupta then offered, "Rs 60 lakh 2 percent and royalty of 1 percent until Rs 60 lakh recouped."
Anupam Mittal then matched Aman's offer.
Thereafter, Aman, Anupam, and Ritesh came together as a 'three shark deal'.
Anupam then offered, "Rs 60 lakh for 10 percent, 2 percent royalty until Rs 90 lakh recouped." It meant the three sharks valued the company at Rs 6 crore.
After the founders went out for discussion, Namita then said, "It's wrong guys, you are exploiting them."
Anupam then reverted saying, "You exploited their time by not giving them a deal."
"How can you offer a Rs 6 crore valuation when they are in Rs 16 crores in sales?" asked Namita.
Namita then started to chant, "Exploitation, Exploitation, and Exploitation."
Ultimately, Rosha secured a two-shark deal with Ritesh and Aman Gupta on Rs 60 lakh in exchange for 4 percent equity and royalty will be 1.5 percent until Rs 90 lakh recouped.