Scientists have advocated for it since the beginning to avoid the corona. In a recent paper, this was verified once more. The study of thermal activation of the source covid virus has given patients hope. Steam is one of these treatments that is thought to be successful in neutralizing the corona virus. The findings of the study were published in the Journal of Life Sciences.
Experts from King George's Medical University (KGMU) and Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGI) have identified steam as a lung sanitizer based on their research and experience. Experts say that five minutes two to three times a day will be enough to kill the virus.
Cough and stuffy nose relief
According to Dr. Ujjawala Ghoshal, head of ACOPGI's microbiology department, steam will help with cough and stuffy nose. This causes the cuff to melt. By rising blood flow to the respiratory tract, steam helps to improve the immune system. Breathing becomes simpler as a result of this. A sufficient amount of oxygen enters the lungs, which keeps them safe.
Nasal spray can be made with pure water or by combining wicks, orange and lemon peel, garlic, tea tree oil, ginger, neem leaves, and other antimicrobial that helps to weaken the virus.