Sudden flood in Spain turns roads into rivers; sweeps away cars and residents

Flash floods swept away several cars and disrupted rail services in eastern and southern Spain on Tuesday and authorities reported several people missing.

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Flash floods swept away several cars and disrupted rail services in eastern and southern Spain on Tuesday, and authorities reported several people missing. The flash floods wreaked havoc from the province of Malaga in the south to Valencia in the east. Footage aired by Spain's national broadcaster RTVE showed cars being swept away by the rushing waters and homes in low-lying areas submerged under several feet of water.

A train carrying 300 people derailed near Malaga, rail authorities said. There were no casualties. High-speed rail service between the city of Valencia and Madrid was disrupted. Police and rescue services used helicopters to rescue people from homes

Several cars were swept away, rail services were disrupted and authorities reported several people missing. The flash floods wreaked havoc from the province of Malaga in the south to Valencia in the east. Footage broadcast by Spain's national broadcaster RTVE showed cars being swept away by the rushing waters and homes in low-lying areas submerged in up to several feet of water.

Rail authorities said a train carrying 300 people derailed near Malaga. However, there were no casualties. High-speed rail service between the city of Valencia and Madrid was disrupted. Police and rescue services used helicopters to evacuate people from homes and cars. According to Spain's national weather service, the impact of the storm is forecast to continue in the country until Thursday.
