Sweden offering money including rent to citizens & 'foreign-born' passport holders to leave the country; Know why

Sweden's Immigration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard has presented a proposal that offers money to not only foreign passport holders but also to its citizens to leave the country.

Trending, Sweden, Sweden Offering Money, Sweden Money Citizens Leave Country, Sweden Foreign Passport Holders Leave Country Money, Sweden Rent Leave Country Citizens, Why Sweden offering money to citizens to leave country- True Scoop

In a major development, Sweden has given an offer to its own citizens to leave the country. Sweden's Immigration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard has presented this proposal. Stengard said that those who do not like Swedish culture or those who have not been able to mix here can leave Sweden.

According to the European media report, money is still given in Sweden for leaving the country. Earlier this rule was applicable only to citizens who came from abroad and settled in Sweden, but under the new provision, this rule will apply to natural-born citizens as well.

According to the current rules, if a Swedish citizen leaves the country, he gets 10 thousand Swedish Krona (80 thousand rupees). Children get 40 thousand rupees on leaving the country. Apart from this, they also get money for rent. They get this money in one go before leaving the country.

According to the new proposal, now all the citizens of the country will be included in it. There was a consideration of giving more money to those leaving the country and increasing it to $ 14,800 (about 12 lakh rupees), but it was rejected. The government says that if the money is increased for leaving the country, it will send a message that Sweden does not like people.

The surprising thing is that this proposal has been passed in Sweden when the number of people leaving the country has increased. According to the Swedish Migration Agency, the number of people coming to Sweden in 2024 has decreased. This has happened for the first time in 50 years.

Migrants population increasing in Sweden

Even though the number of people leaving the country in Sweden has increased, the population in Sweden is increasing as well. In fact, the natives of Sweden are looking for a place in countries like America. At the same time, Sweden remains a favorite place for migrants. The number of migrants in Sweden has increased to more than 20 lakhs, which is one-fifth of the total population of Sweden.

The government has imposed many restrictions to control the growing population of immigrants. Sweden has a very high population of people from Syria, Somalia, Iran, and Iraq. Violent incidents increased in the country and migrants are held responsible for the increase in such types of crimes. 

According to police data, at least 348 shooting incidents took place in Sweden last year. At least 52 people were killed in these. These incidents of violence are being linked to the increasing population of immigrants.

Sweden has been giving shelter to a large number of immigrants since the nineties, but the country's policy has changed since Ulf Kristersson became Prime Minister in October 2022. Ulf Kristersson's government is running with the help of a coalition. It also has the support of the right-wing Sweden Democrats. This party is known for its anti-migrant stance. They believe that refugees harm not only the culture of the country but also the economy.
