In a bizarre development, Team India's woman cricketer Pooja Vastrakar on Friday sparked a massive row after she shared a mocking picture of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The picture was shared on Pooja Vastrakar's Insta story in which PM Modi along with other BJP members including Amit Shah was standing. What grabbed everyone's attention was the text that was written on the pic. PM Modi's pic was shared with the caption 'Vasooli Titans' (meaning team of extortionists). Following this, Pooja Vastrakar came under the scanner of social media and her comment section was bombarded with criticism. Now, after facing a flak on social media, Pooja Vastrakar alleged that she did not post PM Modi's mocking pic. Below is what the 24-year-old cricketer said-
"Hi. It has come to my attention that a highly objectionable image was posted from my Instagram account. This happened at a time that my phone was not in my possession. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the Honorable Prime Minister and sincerely apologise for the hurt this has caused."
Below is PM Modi's objectionable pic-
For the unversed, Pooja Vastrakar is 24 years old and plays for Team India women's cricket team. She also plays for Madhya Pradesh. Pooja is an allrounder who is a right-arm medium-fast bowler and right-handed batter. She made her international debut for India in 2018, against South Africa.