In an attempt to rob an ATM machine, two thieves hatched a plan straight from a Hollywood movie when they uprooted the cash dispensing machine in Maharashtra's Beed. As per reports, the incident took place in the Yelambaghata area of Beed district in Maharashtra when two thieves arrived at an ATM and uprooted it while tying in a car at late night. Notably, the bizarre ATM heist was caught on CCTV and now the video is spreading like wildfire on social media. However, the attempt to rob the ATM was unfoiled due to Police's alertness who arrived at the spot as soon as the cash dispensing machine was uprooted.
As per reports, the Beed ATM robbing incident took place on September 6, 2023, around 3 a.m.. Two thieves, with the intention of robbing, uprooted the ATM machine belonging to Maharashtra Bank using a car in the Yelambaghata area of Maharashtra. Notably, the Beed ATM machine robbery attempt video was filmed through a secret CCTV camera that was installed in the ATM machine. As soon as the ATM was uprooted, the information was relayed to the nearby Police station by the head office of the Maharashtra Bank. Within a few minutes of attempting to break open the ATM, the thieves fled the scene upon seeing the police arriving at the spot. Based on the CCTV footage from the ATM, the police have launched a search operation to locate the culprits. It is pertinent to mention here that while attempting to take away the ATM, the door of the ATM store was also broken by the car due to the massive pull by the car.
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महाराष्ट्र के बीड में कार से ही ATM उखाड़ ले गये चोर.
— Utkarsh Singh (@UtkarshSingh_) September 8, 2023
What did netizens say on the Beed ATM robbery attempt?
A user wrote, "but nobody posting what happened next are they caught."
Another user wrote, " noob chor"
"organised crime ! This happens when good children don't get proper education, skills and employment." wrote another user.