In a proud moment for India, author Geetanjali Shree on Friday etched her name in the history books by winning the prestigious 2022 International Booker Prize for her book 'Tomb of Sand.' The Delhi-based author Geetanjali Shree's Tomb of Sand became the first Hindi-language book to win the prestigious International Booker Prize 2022. Tomb of Sand was first published in Hindi as 'Ret Samadhi' (Rajkamal Prakashan) and was later translated into English by American writer-translator Daisy Rockwell (Penguin Random House India). Now, fans are curious to know about the Tomb of Sand Full story and many are also thinking to order to the book.
Those wondering about Tomb of Sand full story and eager to read the award-winning book can read further. True Scoop brings you the synopsis of Tomb of Sand Full Story of the 2022 International Booker Prize-winning book.
Tomb of Sand Story
Talking about Tomb of Sand Story, it revolves around the story of an 80-year-old north Indian woman who goes into a depression after her husband dies, but eventually recovers from her depression and insists on traveling to Pakistan to confront the unresolved trauma during the partition. Furthermore, Tomb of Sand Full story discusses the protagonist who is Ma who is also re-evaluating what it means to be a mother, a daughter, a woman, and a feminist.
IANS quoted author Geetanjali Shree who talked more about the Tomb of Sand Story. During her award acceptance speech, Geetanjali had said, "Ret Samadhi/Tomb of Sand’ is an elegy for the world we inhabit, a lasting energy that retains hope in the face of impending doom. The Booker will surely take it to many more people than it would have reached otherwise, that should do the book no harm."
Coming back to the 2022 International Booker Prize, the 50,000-pound ($63,000) prize money will be split between Shree and Rockwell.