Six Trains to connect Hussainiwala Border to other regions on Shadeed Diwas: KNOW Details

Six trains will run to Hussainiwala Border on Shadeed Diwas, March 23, according to the latest announcement by Indian Railways.

Indian Railways, Special Trains, Shadeed Diwas, Six Special Trains, Hussainiwala Border, Latest News, Latest Update, Trending News- True Scoop

The Indian Railways has announced the operation of six special trains on Shaheed Diwas, which is marked on March 23 every year. The trains will travel to the Hussainiwala Border - where a state-level fair is organised to pay tribute to freedom fighters Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev. 

This is not the first time that special trains are operated. Every year, Northern Railway starts a special Diesel Multiple Unit, shortly known as DMU, on Shaheed Diwas and Baisakhi. The main motive behind the operation of these trains is to commemorate the sacrifices of freedom fighters. 

According to the official notice by the train authorities, the trains will run from Firozpur Cantt Railway Station. The leaving time of all six trains is as follows - 

  • 9:00 am
  • 10:30 am
  • 11:55 am
  • 1:50 pm
  • 3:30 pm, and
  • 5:00 pm 

Whereas, the trains will departure from Hussainiwala station at - 

  • 9:40 am
  • 11:10 am
  • 12:45 pm
  • 2:40 pm
  • 4:20 pm, and
  • 6:00 pm

During the back-and-forth journey, the special trains will stop at Firozpur City Railway Station.
