On Wednesday, Northern Railway have announced three passenger trains that will run on 203 km long Katra-Srinagar route. According to this, if the passenger is travelling from Delhi to Katra and from Katra to Srinagar, then the journey of about 800 km by Vande Bharat will be completed in just 12 hours and 20 minutes.
If the passenger goes by mail-express, then it will take 14 to 16 hours. Railway has not given the date when the booking of new trains will start. However, Railways can announce about these trains after 26 January.
The biggest hurdle in this route was the leakage of water coming from the mountain in the T-33 tunnel which was stopped three months ago. Following this, the track work had started.
The train will depart at 12:00 pm and reach Katra at 12:00 pm. Then Vande Bharat will depart at 12:45 pm and reach at 3:55 pm. After this, another mail will depart at 3:10 pm and reach at 6:30 pm.
List of connecting trains:
Delhi to Katra:
Train Running status Departure Katra arrival Journey duration
Jammu Mail Daily 8 PM 9:15 AM 13 hours 15 minutes
Sampark Kranti Daily 8:55 PM 7:55 AM 11 hours
Vande Bharat 6 days 6 AM 2:05 PM 8 hours 5 minutes
Katra to Srinagar:
Train Running status Departure Katra arrival Journey duration
Vande Bharat 6 days 8:10 AM 11:20 AM 3 hours 10 minutes
Mail Express 7 days 9:50 AM 1:10 PM 3 hours 20 minute
Mail Express 7 days 3 PM 6:20 PM 3 hours 20 minutes