Billionaire and Twitter Boss Elon Musk on Thursday announced a massive update coming soon for X users on social media. Elon Musk took to his official X (formerly known as Twitter) handle and announced that micro-blogging site users will soon be able to make video or audio calls from the platform and it will be available for both Android and IOS users. Not only this, but Musk also stated that no phone numbers will be required for the users to video call or audio call. Notably, the new X feature has been teased multiple times in the past and now the feature is expected to make an appearance in one of the upcoming update. Twitter designer Andrea Conway had shared snippets of the new features, including the UI.
Elon Musk in his tweet wrote, "Video & audio calls coming to X: - Works on iOS, Android, Mac & PC. No phone number needed - X is the effective global address book.. That set of factors is unique."
Video & audio calls coming to X:
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 31, 2023
- Works on iOS, Android, Mac & PC
- No phone number needed
- X is the effective global address book
That set of factors is unique.
ring ring
— Andrea Conway (@ehikian) July 7, 2023
It is pertinent to mention here that Facebook's parent Company Meta's apps like Instagram, WhatsApp, and even Facebook have similar features. With X adding one video and audio call feature, it is expected that it would pierce more users with time. However, Elon Musk has not specified whether this new feature will only be available for Blue subscribers or it will be made available to all X users.
A few days back, Elon Musk's microblogging platform ‘X’ introduced a new job-hiring feature that offers verified organizations an opportunity to post job listings on their profiles. The company said that the feature will help concerned companies find relevant candidates for the job roles featured on X Hiring Beta. As per reports, X (Twitter) entered the domain of professional networking with a beta version of Hiring, a new feature to challenge job search websites like LinkedIn. As of now, the Hiring feature is available only for verified organizations. The company charges a monthly fee of $1,000 (around ₹82,300) for the job-hiring feature on its platform.