In a gruesome and heartbreaking incident, an 88-year-old woman was mauled to death in a deadly alligator attack. South Carolina Alligator attack has shocked the people living nearby and America as it is the fourth death in a year. As per US media, the South Carolina Alligator attack took place when the octogenarian woman slipped inside a pond at the gated community. The 88-year-old has been identified as Nancy A. Becker and she was living in Sun City, South Carolina, US.
Reportedly, during the US alligator attack, the woman was gardening when she slipped into the pond and fall prey to the deadly '9-feet' alligator. As per the Mirror, the Hilton Head Sun City in South Carolina is home to around 55 people, however, it is also an alligator hotspot.
There have been three attacks in Sun City in the last three years. Reports suggest that there are an estimated 100,000 alligators living in the state of South Carolina alone.
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However, it is pertinent to mention here that alligator attack in South Carolina is considered to be a rare phenomenon. With the death of the 88-year-old, this rare phenomenon tag might be lost from South Carolina. Two people have been killed by alligators in the state alone this year and it is the fourth death in 2022 overall.
As per USA Today, on May 31 in Florida, a man was killed looking for Frisbees, another man was killed near a retention pond in South Carolina on June 24 and an 80-year-old Florida woman was killed along a golf course.