A female teacher in Badaun was sexually abused by a school manager on WhatsApp. An FIR has been registered against the manager for allegedly sending indecent images and texts to a female teacher. The manager is accused of making numerous lewd comments about the female teacher even before this. When the victim informed her family about the situation, family members went to Kotwali and filed a complaint. The police have begun their investigation by registering a case against the accused.
The incident happened in the Ujhani police station area. On the night of October 5, school manager Sudhanshu Gupta, a resident of Bhadwarganj, posted obscene photographs on his WhatsApp status, according to the father of a teacher. These pictures started showing to his daughter.
His daughter called the assistant teacher and explained everything. Additionally, also tried to find out if the associate teacher's phone is also showing this image. But the associate teacher declined. The victim took screenshot of the status and informed the family.
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Following the complaint, an FIR was filed against Sudhanshu Gupta under the relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code. Manoj Kumar Singh, the station house officer in Ujhani, said that the culprit will be taken into custody soon.