BJP’s Lok Sabha Candidate for Patiala, Preneet Kaur faced massive protests from farmers in Rajpur. Heavy police force was deployed on the spot. There was a scuffle between the farmers and the police during which a farmer leader, identified as Surinder Pal Singh, died. His condition reportedly deteriorated during a scuffle with a police and was admitted to the hospital for treatment, during which he died. This incident has sparked outrage amongst the farmers. As per reports, two more farmers were injured in the scuffle.
Preneet Kaur had reached the Sehra village in Rajpura Tehsil of the Patiala district to hold an election rally. But as soon as she entered, some farmers started protesting. Violent clashes erupted at the scene during which a farmer named Surinderpal Singh suddenly fell on the ground and was rushed to the hospital.
As per reports, Punjab Police has taken control of the situation. The body of Surinder Pal has been taken to the government hospital in Rajpura, where his post-mortem will be conducted. However, the reason behind the protests has not been revealed yet. But the police is investigating the matter.
More about BJP Candidate Preneet Kaur
Captain Amarinder Singh's wife Preneet Kaur was previously Congress’ MP from Patiala Lok Sabha seat from 1999 to 2009. In 2019, Preneet again won from the same seat on the Congress ticket. However, in March this year, Preneet Kaur left Congress and joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) who promptly declared her as their Lok Sabha candidate from Patiala. Congress has declared Dharamvir Gandhi and Aam Aadmi Party has declared Balbir Singh as its candidate. Voting will be held on all seats in Punjab in the seventh phase of India General Elections 2024 on June 1.