Team India star cricketer Virat Kohli on Wednesday arrived at the Arun Jaitely Stadium, New Delhi in full swag. Virat Kohli who is from Delhi now hardly gets time to visit the National Capital and live in Mumbai with his wife Anushka Sharma. However, the India vs Australia second Test will be taking place at the Arun Jaitely Stadium in New Delhi and therefore Virat Kohli opted for his swanky Porshe car to go for a practice session. Virat Kohli parked his lavish Porsche car outside the stadium, however, fans and paparazzi took the picture and video of the swanky four-wheeler and shared it on social media. Following that, Virat Kohli's Porsche car photos and videos went viral. Now, fans who cannot get over Virat Kohli's Porsche car and want to know more about it, this write-up is certainly for you.
Virat Kohli's Porsche car price, specifications, and more
As per reports, the luxurious car in which Virat Kohli came to the stadium is- Porsche Panamera Turbo. In 2020, the Team India batter's brother Vikas Kohli became one of the first persons to own a luxury car. The price of the car is said to be around INR 2.21 crores (ex-showroom). Porsche Panamera Turbo boasts a twin-turbo V8 engine, which is said to be very powerful. In India, the price of a Porsche car ranges between INR 83.21 Lakh to INR 3.25 crores. Kohli is one of the highest-paid celebrities in India, and apart from his on-the-field popularity, he is one of the most famous figures among the brands as well. Ashneer Grover also once revealed how he could not sign Kohli for his brand campaign as in his price entire other Team India players can be cast.
Watch Virat Kohli's Porsche car
Indian cricketers take injections to pass fitness test, alleges chief selector Chetan Sharma
Virat Kohli after the practice
— Virat Kohli FanTeam (@ViratFanTeam) February 16, 2023
When you are at #ArunJetlyStadium in Delhi no need to guess who’s car is this 🤔
— Sunandan Lele (@sunandanlele) February 15, 2023
India vs Australia Test 2
Coming back to India vs Australia Test 2 which will be taking place in Delhi, Virat Kohli will look to score big at his home ground. In Delhi, Virat has scored 467 runs in 3 matches at 77.83 with the help of one century and two half-centuries. Kohli certainly knows the conditions in Delhi better than anyone on the team. The first Test was not great for Virat, and apart from his batting, Kohli struggled in his slip catching as well. Kohli’s standards are huge in fielding, and he will want to improve in that area in Delhi. Apart from Kohli, Rohit Sharma will look to carry on his good form in batting. At a pitch where everyone was struggling to get runs, Rohit Sharma scored 120 runs alone and brought India on a verge of victory. The rest was done by allrounder Ravindra Jadeja and the nightmare of Australian Cricket Team Ravichandran Ashwin.