In a recent update, WhatsApp has decided to discontinue its services for 18 smart phones which are running outdated operating systems. This will be effective from today i.e. October 24th.
This move is part of WhatsApp’s strategy to prioritize advanced technology support and streamline of its services. To know the names of the affected smart phones, keep reading…
The lists of the affected smart phones are mentioned below:
1. Samsung Galaxy Note 2: WhatsApp services discontinued for this model.
2. HTC One: No longer supported; WhatsApp inaccessible on HTC One.
3. Sony Xperia Z: Outdated OS; WhatsApp access discontinued on Xperia Z.
4. LG Optimus G Pro: Unsupported; WhatsApp no longer available on this device.
5. Samsung Galaxy Nexus: WhatsApp services terminated for Galaxy Nexus.
6. HTC Sensation: Upgrade required; WhatsApp no longer supported.
7. Motorola Droid Razr: WhatsApp discontinued for Droid Razr models.
8. Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1: No WhatsApp support for Tab 10.1.
9. Asus Eee Pad Transformer: WhatsApp services terminated on this device.
10. LG Optimus 2X: Outdated OS; WhatsApp no longer accessible on 2X.
11. Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S: Unsupported; WhatsApp services discontinued.
12. Motorola Zoom: No longer supported; WhatsApp access terminated.
13. Sony Xperia Sola: WhatsApp discontinued due to outdated OS.
14. LG Optimus Black: Unsupported; WhatsApp services no longer available.
15. HTC Evo 4G: Upgrade needed; WhatsApp no longer supported.
16. Samsung Galaxy Ace: Outdated OS; WhatsApp access discontinued.
17. HTC Wildfire S: No longer supported; WhatsApp services terminated.
18. Nokia Lumia 800: Unsupported; WhatsApp no longer accessible on Lumia 800.
According to the reports, WhatsApp is sending notifications to affected users, alerting them about the discontinued support and advise the users to upgrade their devices or operating systems promptly to continue using WhatsApp without interruptions.