Social media influencer Akash Sagar has come under the scanner of fans online after his video singing Ram Siya Ram went viral. Akash Sagar who is known for making Instagram reels on non-serious topics recently took it too far when he sang a religious 'Ram Siya Ram' song inside a church in Meghalaya. As a result, an FIR has been registered against Akash Sagar and his two companions in Meghalaya. The incident took place on December 26. After Akash Sagar Ram Siya Ram video went viral, social media users started to dig more about the influencer. Hence, the question arises who is Akash Sagar? Below is all about Akash Sagar-
Who is Akash Sagar?
Akash Sagar is a social media influencer who enjoys a whopping 1.5 million followers. After the social media uproar and FIR, Akash rejected these allegations. In a now-deleted post, he questioned the complaint’s validity, stating, "For saying Jai Shree Ram?" and shared screenshots of news articles about the FIR, labelling his critics as "traitors."
He also referenced a Karnataka High Court ruling in a separate case that dismissed criminal charges against individuals chanting religious slogans in a mosque. Akash Sagar's Instagram account is filled with videos. Interestingly, Akash Sagar has collaborated with celebrities like Bigg Boss 18 contestant Aditi Mistry. Not much information is available regarding Akash Sagar.
Akash Sagar Ram Siya Ram Controversy
In the video, Akash is seen with his companions at the Church of the Epiphany in Mawlynnong, located in the East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya. During this, he can heard singing the song on Lord Ram on the mic in the church and his two companions are listening to this while sitting on the bench. Apart from these, a person is making a video. However, no one is visible in the church at the time of the incident.
Shillong activist Angela Rangad lodged a complaint at the Laitumkhra police station regarding the insult to Christianity and the sanctity of the church. He described the incident as a deliberate and well-planned conspiracy. The activist alleged that the purpose of this act was to insult Christianity and the church and to spread communal tension in an area of religious harmony. Chief Minister Conrad Sangma also expressed anger over the incident. He said, 'The accused tried to spoil the atmosphere of the state. Police have been ordered to take legal action in this case.'