In a heartbreaking development in the world of Punjab politics, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA from Ludhiana West, Gurpreet Bassi Gogi died due to mysterious gunshot wounds. The incident took place late at night on Friday. Initial investigation suggests that Gurpreet Bassi Gogi was cleaning his license pistol in the house. Meanwhile, suddenly the bullet fired. The bullet passed through his head.
After the bizarre incident, Gurpreet Bassi Gogi was taken to Dayanand Medical Hospital (DMC) by security personnel and his family members. Doctors declared Gogi dead in the hospital. Joint Police Commissioner Jaskaran Singh Teja said that the pistol was of 25 bore. It is too early to say how the MLA died. He said 'We have seen the scene of crime. The servant working in the kitchen said that the MLA's weapon led to the incident.'
Teja further said, "As per the family members, he shot himself accidentally and sustained bullet injuries to his head. Gurpreet Gogi was declared dead at the hospital, his body has been kept at the mortuary in the DMC hospital."
The incident occurred around 12 a.m. soon after his return from a public function. His wife, who was in another room, heard the gunshots and found him lying in a pool of blood.
After the postmortem, the dead body of Gogi will be handed over to the relatives. He will be cremated at the crematorium near KVM School in Ludhiana at 3 pm.
Who was Gurpreet Bassi Gogi?
Gurpreet Bassi Gog was an MLA from the West Assembly constituency of Ludhiana. He defeated Congress candidate former minister Bharat Bhushan Ashu. Gogi got about 40 thousand votes in the 2022 Punjab Assembly Elections
Gogi joined the Aam Aadmi Party before the Punjab Election in 2022. He had previously stayed in the Congress party for 23 years. He was also a three-time councillor, and his wife, Dr. Sukhchain Bassi, was also a councillor once.
During the Congress government, Gogi was appointed Chairman of the Punjab Small Industries and Export Corporation (PSIEC). He was also the district head of the Congress from 2014 to 2019. Before joining AAP, Gogi was a strong contender for the post of Mayor of Municipal Corporation in Congress.