Bollywood actress Bhumi Pednekar was recently seen attending Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani’s star-studded wedding reception in Mumbai. A video from the same reception have gone viral on various social media platforms hinting that Bhumi has finally found a lovable man for her.
The video that has grabbed everyone’s eyeball is of Bhumi Pednekar’s exit from the party. While leaving the party, she was escorted by an unknown person. Although the bodyguards tried to hide the couple, but their intimate moment was captured on camera. In the video that has gone viral, Bhumi Pednekar can be seen kissing the mystery man. The man is not a mystery anymore as he is Bhumi’s rumoured boyfriend Yash Kataria.
Who is Yash Kataria?
Bhumi Pednekar’s rumoured boyfriend Yash Kataria is a 28-year-old businessman. The builder is based in India. Yash Kataria shares a close association with some of famous Bollywood celebs like Rakulpreet Singh and Jacky Bhagnani. It’s been a quite while since there was speculation that Bhumi Pednekar is allegedly in a relationship with a builder named Yash Kataria. Although, they have been dating each other for quite some time but the duo has managed to hide it away from the paparazzi. Apart from this, Bhumi Pednekar also follows Yash Kataria on Instagram but his account is private.
Reportedly, as soon as the video went viral, it was shared by famous paparazzi handles but in no time videos from all the handles have been taken down. Bhumi Pednekar will be seen in various upcoming movies like The Lady Killer, Bhakshak and Bheed.