On Saturday, 26th October, two children named Jainam and Jivika from Dubai had claimed themselves as the owner of the JioHotstar domain. They had purchased it from the Delhi-based developer. They shared a letter stating that they have bought the domain in order to support a young software developer from Delhi.
This domain controversy had started when the JioHotstar domain was registered by the developer in the year 2023. Following which, he had requested more than Rs 1 crore from Reliance to buy the domain so he could do an executive MBA course at Cambridge University in the UK, but Reliance declined his request. After which Reliance also took legal action against him for the trademark infringement.
Now this domain is owned by Jainam and Jivika as they have purchased it from the Delhi-based developer.
Who are Jainam & Jivika?
Jainam and Jivika are Dubai-based siblings. Jainam Jain, a 13-year-old and Jivika Jain, a 10-year old, are now the co-owners of the JioHotstar domain. They have updated the site and have informed people that they have bought the domain in order to support a young software developer from Delhi.
They shared a letter titled, ‘Welcome to our journey of seva’ where they mentioned about their 50-day long vacation in India. The letter reads, “Hello! We are Jainam and Jivika – siblings from Dubai, UAE, on a mission to make a difference. Even though we’re just kids, we believe that age is only a number when it comes to spreading kindness and positivity. Our recent journey began during our summer holidays when we left our home in Dubai for 50 unforgettable days in India. We had a purpose: to connect with children from various backgrounds, share our love for learning, teach skills for studying and setting goals, and inspire them to dream big.
Throughout our journey, we were met with inspiring moments and new friendships. We taught kids not only about studying but also about having the courage to set ambitious goals. Together, we laughed, learned, and grew, creating memories that we’ll treasure forever. This website is our way of sharing those memories with you – through photos, videos, and stories from our Seva journey. We hope it brings you closer to the incredible kids we met and encourages you to spread kindness in your own special way.
Along the way, people showed their appreciation through gifts, blessings, and even small donations, which we collected over our travels. When we returned to Dubai, we used a portion of this collection to support a young software developer from Delhi by purchasing this domain for his benefit. Through sharing our journey here, we aim to inspire others and keep the domain open for future sale to anyone who wants to continue this positive mission.”