The much-awaited action thriller series named The Night Agent was released on Netflix on 23 March 2023 and ever since it has become the most-watched series of this week in multiple countries including India. Created by Shawn Ryan, The Night Agent has a stellar star cast including Gabriel Basso, Luciane Buchanan, Fola Evans-Akingbola, Sarah Desjardins, Eve Harlow ,Phoenix Raei Enrique Murciano, D. B. Woodside, Hong Chau, and more. Notably, The 10-episode show, which came shortly after The Recruit, is a similarly-styled series following a CIA operative. For those who haven't watched The Night Agent yet, the series revolves around a low-level FBI agent named Peter Sutherland Jr. who gets caught up in a conspiracy leading all the way to the Oval Office, White House. However, assuming you have landed on this page, you have already watched The Night Agent on Netflix and have similar questions related to the suspense-thriller. Among the many unanswered questions, one was who assassinated Peter Sutherland's father? To know continue reading-
The Night Agent Storyline
Before answering the question, we first need to understand the storyline in brief. The Night Agent starts with an attempt to bomb a whole metro station which was luckily foiled by Peter. However, due to Peter's father's disgraced history with the secret services and the FBI, a conspiracy theory started doing rounds that it was Peter who planted the bomb. However, despite all these allegations, Diane Farr (Hong Chau) gives him the opportunity to work in the White House as a low-key Night Agent. Parallelly, another story of Rose Larkin (Luciane Buchanan) goes. Rose is a cybersecurity expert and hacker who just lost her business and therefore she comes to stay with her aunt and uncle who were later assassinated in their own house. However, Rose flees from the spot and calls the emergency number given by her aunt which was answered by none other than Peter. Following that a wave of conspiracy, suspense, and relevation with tons of action unfolds.
Now, skipping the middle storyline, Peter finds out that Diane who is the chief of staff to the US President is involved in the coverup of the metro bombing hatched by Vice-President and a private military contractor to kill Omar Zadar. However, things unfold in such a way that Peter confronted Diane Farr about everything, including the plan to kill Omar Zadar and the President of the United States. It turned out that Diane had set forth a chain of events that included everything from the Metro bombing to the murder of Rose's uncle and aunt. Peter tasked Diane to get him and Rose (Luciane Buchanan) into Camp David undetected. Diane revealed that she was only involved in the coverup of the incident and that Rose’s aunt and uncle were killed after they met with Zadar, as everyone assumed that they told Zadar about the conspiracy. This also led Peter to realize that Diane had only used him because he was dispensable. She made sure of this by publicly accusing him of kidnapping Maddie Redfield (Sarah Desjardins), the VP’s daughter. Ultimately, Peter along with the help of Rose, and two secret service agents saved the US President and foiled their plan totally. However, in the meantime, the private contractor Gordon Wick flees from the country saying that he will indeed return.
Who killed Peter's father?
Who was Gordon Moore? Intel Co-Founder & Silicon Valley pioneer dies at 94
In the end, Peter was asked by the President about what he wanted as a thanks gesture. As a result, Peter asks the President if he wants to know the truth about his father as he thinks his father was not a traitor who leaked secret documents of the White House. Peter came to know that his father was not a traitor and was also not involved in leaking documents. However, the US President bursts the bubble of Peter saying that his father confessed easily because he was ready to become a double agent for the United States Government and help the CIA. The President revealed that his father had indeed said on tape that he was selling the country's secrets, but that was only to become a double agent for his country. Peter's father was innocent after all. However, she also revealed that Peter's father was assassinated and he did not kill himself or die in a car accident as someone had leaked that he was a double agent. When Peter presses the President to reveal who killed his father, the President offered him a jo hinting that she is sending him on a chase to hunt his own father's killers without even knowing.
Therefore, it can be said that the exact answer will be revealed in The Night Agent 2.