The Mat Gala 2024 took place on Tuesday (Indian Time) with celebrities from all around the world attending the event in their best possible attire. The Met Gala 2024 witnessed celebs like Zendaya, Chris Hemsworth, Jennifer Lopez, Alia Bhatt, Gigi Hadid, Kim Kardashian, Kendal Jenner, Shakira, etc flaunting their beautiful attires and looking on the red carpet. Notably, there were multiple Indians who attended the Met Gala 2024 as well. However, it was Mona Patel's beautiful butterfly gown that broke the internet. Mona Patel attended the Met Gala 2024 wearing a "mechanical butterflies" dress styled by none other than fan favourite stylist Law Roach. Mona Patel looked ravishing and received massive praise on social media. Now, the question arises who is Mona Patel? Below is all about Mona Patel-
Who is Mona Patel?
Mona Patel is an Indian-origin entrepreneur who lives in Tampa, Florida. Mona Patel is the founder of multiple companies. Mona has also been featured in Forbes Next 1000 report. As per Forbes, Mona Patel moved from India to the U.S. in 2003, and founded her first company just three years later. Patel has since emerged as an 8x entrepreneur, starting ventures in industries ranging from real estate to healthcare. Notably, her Tampa-based CareFirst Imaging, founded in 2016, has seen revenue grow 300% in four years. In 2018, Patel also co-founded radXai, which is developing AI to help radiologists.
Born in Vadodara, Gujarat, Mona Patel moved to the US at a young age to pursue higher education at Rutgers University and finally settled there in 2003 to give life to her entrepreneurial endeavours. As per reports, Mona Patel is now permanently based in US. She has slowly built a million-dollar empire that spans multiple businesses, at the heart of which lies Patel’s brainchild, Couture For Cause, a non-profit that combines her love for fashion and her philanthropic pursuits together to support meaningful causes.
Coming back to Met Gala, Mona Patel’s gown was inspired by Van Herpen’s “The Garden of Time” collection. To make this one-of-a-kind gown, Mona Patel and stylist Law Roach took a creative road trip in March to India, where they worked with Van Herpen at a factory in Mumbai to bring their vision for Met Gala to life.
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