In a tragic development, a YouTuber couple on Saturday was found dead in a suspected suicide in Haryana's Bahadurgarh. The influencer & YouTuber couple died under mysterious circumstances after falling from the 7th floor of a society on Saturday morning. The YouTubers have been identified as Nandini Kashyap and Garvit Singh Garry. Now, the question who were Nandini Kashyap & Garvit Singh Garry? Below is everything you need to know about Garvit Singh Garry & Nandini Kashyap's suspected suicide-
Who was Nandini Kashyap?
Nandini Kashyap is famous by the username doraperry442 on Instagram. She enjoyed more than 2K followers on Instagram. Nandini was quite frequent on social media as well. Two days back, Nandini posted her travel diary video on Instagram. In the video, she visited Delhi. Nandini aka doraperry442 also shared her pictures with Bollywood actors Aamir Khan and Vicky Kaushal on Instagram.
Talking about Nandini Kashyap's boyfriend Garvit Singh Garry, the 25-year-old YouTuber was also quite frequent on social media. Garvit's bio says he lived in Dehradun and Mumbai. Garvit called himself a theater artist as well. He had more than 5000 followers on Instagram. His YouTube channel name is Garvit Garry Vlogs. Going by his Instagram bio, Garvit has worked in movies like Tadap, Adrushya, Doon Kaand , Middle Class Love, Crushed S-3, Jersey. His Insta profile is also filled with his pictures with Bollywood stars like Aamir Khan, and Sunny Deol.
Nandini Kashyap & Garvit Singh Garry's death
Some time ago Nandini and Garvit had come to Bahadurgarh with their team from Dehradun. Both used to make videos and post them on Facebook and YouTube. Nandini and Garvit were living in flat number 701 of the Ruhil Residency Society of Bahadurgarh city.
Initial investigation revealed that Garvit had come to the society on Saturday morning. Here, he talked with Nandini. At around 6 in the morning, the bodies of both were found lying on the ground. There was blood scattered nearby. When the people living in the society saw them, a crowd gathered on the spot.
After this, Garvit and Nandini's friends also came there. Both were immediately taken to the hospital. After examination, Doctors declared them dead. After the information, Sector-6 police station first reached the spot and then reached the hospital and took the body into custody.
As per reports, Investigating officer Jagbir Singh said that the bodies of both have been taken into custody. The young men and women living with them are being interrogated. The families of both will be traced and informed. Further action will be taken in this matter only after the statement of the family members.