In a major development, Mumbai's Somaiya School on Tuesday fired its Principal Parveen Shaikh for liking Pro-Palestine posts on social media. Following that Parveen Shaikh's firing became a matter of discussion among netizens. Parveen Shaikh has been accused of promoting 'pro-Hamas, pro-Islamist, and anti-Hindu' views through her engagement with such posts on social media. Parveen Shaikh was working with Somaiya School in Mumbai for the past 12 years. After a social media outrage, Somaiya School to its official X handle and announced that it has sacked Parveen Shaikh. Now, the question arises who is Parveen Shaikh? Below is all about Parveen Shaikh-
Who is Parveen Shaikh?
Hailing from Mumbai, Maharashtra, Parveen Shaikh started working for The Somaiya School in May 2012. Before this, Parveen Shaikh was working as Manager- Training and teacher support at Birla Edutech Ltd. Going by her LinkedIn profile, Parveen is a Ph.D. scholar holder.
In her LinkedIn bio, Parveen has also described herself. "I have been in the field of education and development for three decades. My interest and passion has led to the conceptualization and creation of innovative ideas for preschools, primary and Secondary School. My expertise lies in coaching, mentoring and professional development of pre- service and in service teachers, guiding research based practices and designing developmentally appropriate curriculum, designing classroom layouts, school support, School audit and school start ups. This is evident in the numerous workshops and modules conducted and developed by me and the work done with reputed institutes across India," says Parveen's bio.
Parveen while talking to a leading news portal said, "I was shocked to know the news of my termination from social media even before receiving a termination notice from the management...The termination notice is completely illegal and based on defamatory lies peddled against me...My work as a school principal has been exceptional and my termination for such reason is wrongful and unjust."
What did Somaiya School say on firing Parveen Shaikh?
In its official release, The Somaiya School said, "Somaiya Vidyavihar, with a legacy of over 80 years, has always upheld the principles of knowledge, inclusivity, and service as the cornerstone of our educational philosophy. Our motto, ज्ञानादेव तु कैवल्यम्, reflects our commitment to liberating minds through education, fostering understanding, and serving humanity.
Recently, it has come to our attention that the personal social media activities of Ms. Parveen Shaikh, who holds a leadership position at The Somaiya School, have been starkly misaligned with the values we cherish.
At Somaiya Vidyavihar, we strive to cultivate an environment where knowledge leads to wisdom and uplifts all members of the community, transcending small-mindedness and personal biases. We strongly support the right to freedom of expression, yet we recognize that it is not absolute and must be exercised with responsibility and respect for others.
Given the gravity of these concerns, and after careful consideration, the management has discontinued Ms. Parveen Shaikh's association with Somaiya Vidyavihar to ensure that our ethos of unity and inclusivity is not compromised. We appreciate your patience and support as we work through this review.
Somaiya Vidyavihar remains dedicated to providing a nurturing educational environment that honors and respects all cultures and beliefs, contributing positively to society and our nation. We believe it is crucial to safeguard the impressionable minds of our youth, and ensure that they are nurtured in an environment that upholds the highest standards of integrity and inclusivity."