BJP MP from Bengaluru South Tejasvi Surya is all set to start a new innings in his life. While the BJP MP will continue his political journey, Tejasvi Surya will get married in the year 2025. Tejasvi Surya's marriage is breaking the internet after reports surfaced that the Member of Parliament will be getting married to a social media influencer & a singer named Sivasri Skandaprasad. As a result, social media users are trying to dig more about Tejasvi Surya's wife-to-be Sivasri Skandaprasad or Who is Sivasri Skandaprasad.
Who is Sivasri Skandaprasad?
As per NewsFirstPrime, Sivasri Skandaprasad is a graduate in Bioengineering from Sastra University. Tejasvi Surya's fiance also holds an MA degree in Bharatanatyam from Chennai University. A few other reports suggest that Sivasri has also lent her voice to a song in the Kannada version of 'Ponniyin Selvan - Part 2.'
Sivasri Skandaprasad is also quite active on social media. Sivasri Skandaprasad Instagram profile has 125K followers. Sivasri Skandaprasad's Insta profile is filled with singing videos of her. Sivasri Skandaprasad hails from Chennai and a classical singer by profession.
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Tejasvi Surya is set to tie the knot with Sivasri Skanda Prasad, a well-known classical singer from Chennai. Shivasree also has a YouTube channel with over 2 lakh subscribers.
Tejasvi Surya's marriage
As per reports, Tejasvi Surya's wedding ceremony is likely to take place in a few months in Bengaluru. However, there is no official announcement by the Bangalore South MP. In January 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised Sivasri Skandaprasad. "This rendition by Sivasri Skandaprasad in Kannada beautifully highlights the spirit of devotion to Prabhu Shri Ram. Such efforts go a long way in preserving our rich cultural heritage," said PM Modi in a post.
Talking about Tejasvi Surya, he is a lawyer by profession, and is currently a Member of Parliament for the Bengaluru South constituency. In 2024, Tejasvi Surya, 34, became the first sitting MP in the country to complete the Ironman 70.3 endurance race. He is now gearing up to conquer the distance next year too.