Veteran South filmmaker Shankar's daughter Aishwarya on Monday married Tarun Karthikeyan in a grand wedding. Aishwarya & Tarun Karthikeyan's wedding was attended by various film stars and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister (CM) MK Stalin. For those who are unaware, Shankar has made movies like Robot, 2.0, Shivaji: The Boss, Anniyan (Aparichit in Hindi), and many more. Aishwarya & Tarun Karthikeyan's wedding was attended by Rajnikanth, Nayanthara, Kamal Haasan, Mani Ratnam, Vikram, Vignesh Shivan, and many more. Now, the question arises who is Aishwarya's husband Tarun Karthikeyan, or Shankar's son-in-law Tarun Karthikeyan?
Who is Tarun Karthikeyan?
Shankar's son-in-law Tarun Karthikeyan is reportedly an Assistant Director (AD). Notably, Tarun has worked with Shankar in the past as well. Apart from being an A.D. Tarun is also a lyricist and a playback singer. A few weeks ago, when the couple got engaged, Shankar's younger daughter and actor Aditi Shankar took to her Instagram handles to share a few photos from the event. She said, "With two of my favourite people in the world, what a beautiful and memorable day."
Shankar has two daughters, Aishwarya and Aditi, and a son named Arijit. Aishwarya is Shankar's eldest daughter. Notably, Aishwarya remains away from public life and she has made her Instagram account private as well when last checked.
On the work front, director Shankar is busy working on his upcoming film Game Changer, starring Ram Charan in the lead role. Kartik Subbaraj has penned the storyline for the film. Actors like Anjali, Jayaram, SJ Suryah, and Sunil, among others, comprise the film’s supporting cast.