Who is Tyrone Barugh? New Zealand man uses SECRET flight hack & gets 58 free tickets

Tyrone Barugh who is reportedly a lawyer by profession found a loophole in Jetstar’s 'Return for free' promotion and booked 58 flights for $0 each

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Tyrone Barugh, a man from Wellington, New Zealand, is grabbing the spotlight after he got at least 58 free flight tickets from Jetstar Airline. Jetstar is an Australian low-cost airline headquartered in Melbourne, Victoria. Netizens around the world are querying Tyrone Barugh's flight hacks and wondering how he got 58 free flights and traveled without anyone knowing about this. Tyrone Barugh has been fighting a legal battle with Jetstar after they flagged him over the alleged fraud. Below is how Tyrone Barugh booked 58 flights for free- 

What are Tyrone Barugh's flight hacks or how did Tyrone Barugh get free flight tickets?


As per reports, Tyrone Barugh who is reportedly a lawyer by profession found a loophole in Jetstar’s 'Return for free' promotion and booked 58 flights for $0 each. To be precise, Tyrone Barugh booked a flight from Auckland to Sydney for $171, receiving the return fare for free as part of the promotion.


However, Tyrone Barugh then canceled the outbound flight and received a Jetstar credit as a refund, with the free flight remaining on the booking. Thereafter, Tyrone Barugh used the credit to book another flight before repeating the process another 57 times. This is how Tyrone Barugh managed to book 58 tickets for free. 


Tyrone Barugh was quoted by a portal saying that he did not intend to use any of the flights. However, Tyrone Barugh hopes that he will receive a settlement from Jetstar. Notably, Tyrone has taken the matter to the Disputes Tribunal of New Zealand, claiming he is also entitled to a refund on the taxes owed on the flights, which add up to about $2,971 due to a combination of Australian legislation and Jetstar’s policies.


Tyrone Barugh is demanding a settlement of a 'small flight credit and a toy plane.'


What is Jetstar's Return for free policy?

Jetstar on its 20th birthday sale announced a Return for free sale. on domestic as well as international flight tickets. Under this, you pay for the outbound flight and your return fare won’t cost you a cent. This was the policy in which Tyrone found a loophole. 

