Who was Lashawn Thompson? Inmate "eaten alive" by bed bugs at Atlanta's Fulton County Jail

The man whose name was LaShawn Thompson died at the age of 35 after reportedly being eaten alive by bed bugs at Atlanta's Fulton County Jail

 LaShawn Thompson, Who was  LaShawn Thompson,  LaShawn Thompson Bed Bugs,  LaShawn Thompson Bed Bugs Eaten Alive,  LaShawn Thompson Atlanta Fulton County Jail, Atlanta Fulton County Jail Leaked, Atlanta Fulton County Jail Bed Bugs, World News, World News Today,Top World News, World News Headlines,World Breaking News,International News,Latest World News, Politics News- True Scoop

In a bizarre development, a man died at an Atlanta jail after being eaten alive by insects and bed bugs. The man whose name was LaShawn Thompson died at the age of 35 after reportedly being eaten alive by bed bugs at Atlanta's Fulton County Jail. His family was quoted by a prominent US media portal stated that LaShawn Thompson, 35, was arrested for misdemeanor simple battery in Atlanta last summer, and was taken to the Fulton County Jail where he was placed in the psychiatric wing after officials determined he was mentally ill. But three months later, he "was found dead in a filthy jail cell after being eaten alive by insects and bed bugs.

What happened to LaShawn Thompson?

As per a Fulton County Medical Examiner's report quoted by USA TODAY, Thompson was found unresponsive in his jail cell Sept. 19, and pronounced dead after failed life-saving attempts by responding local police and medical personnel. "The officer stated that it is unknown the last time the decedent was seen as the case continues to be investigated," the Oct. 26 report continues. Furthermore, Jail records show that medical staff and detention noticed Thompson's health was deteriorating, but they didn't help him, the attorney said. "They literally watched his health decline until he died," said Harper. "When his body was found one of the detention officers refused to administer CPR because in her words she 'freaked out.'"

Not only this the attorney also shared disturbing photos he said were from Thompson's jail cell that show him apparently covered in bugs and the cell's dirty conditions, which Thompson's family gave the attorney permission to share. Harper said the cell was "not fit for a diseased animal."

Watch LaShawn Thompson's cells photos

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It is pertinent to mention here that there were no signs of trauma found on Thompson's body, but his entire body was covered in bed bugs. The report also goes onto note a "severe bed bug infestation" in the inmate's cell in the psychiatric ward. Thompson's cause of death, the report shows, was listed as undetermined.
